Bisa aku jelaskan lebih rinci bahwa matahari terbit pada garis atas horizon di barat sehingga refleksi yang muncul adalah matahari terbit di sebelah timur?
Teori alam itu berlangsung berjuta-juta tahun atas kehendak Tuhan,
tapi ada peristiwa sebelum mereka muncul dan menari-narikan anak cahayanya seolah-olah dia adalah induk cahaya, yang dinamakan Subuh..
Kala Subuh ini,dimana semua orang memulai aktifitas dengan berbagai perilaku jenis mereka..
Kala Subuh...
yang bangun pertama kali adalah para bilal..
mereka mengambil bagian dalam peran manusia dalam salah satu mengartikan posisi Tuhan,
mereka meneriakkan pujian demi pujian yang pesan tersiratnya mengingatkan kebesaran dan keagungan Tuhan,
mereka mengumandangkan adzan dalam melodi pertama yang penuh musikalitas dengan cengkok yang bertubi-tubi untuk membangunkan manusia-manusia yang masih berada dalam alam bawah sadar mereka..
Kemudian kala Subuh...
para imam berduyun-duyun,berlomba-lomba, untuk menjalankan salah satu kewajiban rutin mereka..
mereka akan menanti dengan manis langkah-langkah gontai yang menyusul kemudian..
menyelesaikan kewajiban mereka sebagai penunjuk arah kebenaran bagi para pengikutnya dengan bumbu dakwah berkesinambungan di setiap Subuh...
Mereka menjalankan kehidupan dunia dan akhirat dengan seimbang..
Kala Subuh...
manusia lain berkompetisi untuk bangun lebih dulu,membersihkan diri dengan dua puluh dua kali menggayung air dan membasuh seluruh tubuhnya..
yang lalai berkompetisi, tertidur pulas dengan tangan-tangan halus dan nakal yang menggelayuti pelupuk mata..
yang berbeda arah, membersihkan diri lebih lama dan lebih banyak..
mereka tidak ingin kehilangan koin demi koin yang bisa mereka keruk di balik pintu-pintu bank..
yang berkompetisi, berlari dengan irama langkah yang konstan menuju tempat suci bernama Masjid..
mereka tidak ingin kehilangan satu koin pahala pun di balik dinding-dinding berkaligrafi..
Kala Subuh...
kedamaian seolah merasuk hingga ke dalam tulang sumsum manusia yang paling minor sekalipun..
keengganan seolah mencaplok seluruh pikiran untuk tetap menunduk di hadapan-Nya..
Kala Subuh...
Ya Allah...sangat berartikah arti Subuh??
Engkau yang tak pernah tertidur bagaimana Engkau mengartikan kala Subuh??
Kala Subuh...
aku hanya bisa memanjatkan doa panjang dan selalu bertanya penuh kekosongan pada Tuhan..
apa arti Subuh??
I grew up in this town, my poetry was born between the hill and the river, it took its voice from the rain, and like the timber, it steeped itself in the forests. -Pablo Neruda
Minggu, 30 Oktober 2011
Minggu, 16 Oktober 2011
Life Question (Wondering Why I Love This Notes??)
I didn't know why I love this notes..
Life is probably the most unbreakable mystery where it came up. Out of human thought how could God created life or deeper, the scariest ask which often wander my mind secretly: "where did God come from?" I meant, we were come from our Mom's uterus which is God gift. So, now the question is, who the magician was give us God??? - forget about this.
I'm an accept-able person. I won't ask "why does my life like this?". Whereas I hardly believe God has scenario for us. So now, if God has his scenario for us, what's his benefit seeing us come through his scenario patiently, sadly, happily? Is he merely wanna see our faith?? Idts.... - set aside this one.
In real life, we create our own life. Make a decision, find the opportunity, through what we've had choose, and achieve our goal as the result. And when we've achieved our goal, what to return? People born, grow old, and die. It's life's cycle. Still.......what's the point of those cycle? Where at the end God will shatter it when the time comes up.
Well... I am young. I'm just an ordinary teen. Beside what I've thought before, generally people say "Allah menciptakan kita agar kita menyembah-Nya, beriman kepada-Nya ". Just it? Be worshiped? I think he isn't kind of the devil on the movie who'll get his power stronger when he is being worshiped. Or kind of an arrogant king who'd like to exploit his citizen. He is great without us. Fine without us. He doesn't need us at all, does he? Otherwise, all I see is mostly people make a chaos..or worse..?
Don't you ever wonder is that your really role why you were born? I do. Even much. Knowing what your real role, your goal, will make a best result, won't it? I'm an optimal person. I'd like to see what I've done, done maximally. I've committed to live my life. And I won't to live it carelessly. Won't to waste a chance which I have and do believe I have a thing to do here cause I'm strongly hold this word: "behind what happened, there's a why". So still........why did God?? I meant, if I knew why did God do this, I could make it maximally. If God wants me to make a world peace, well I'm gonna make my next way to the things that related to world peace. Or if God wants me just to birth a baby, well I'm gonna marry a man really soon. Or if God wants me to worship him, really I will do it with nonstop.
But let'a take a conclude, God's way is not the easy way, but the best way. We can't talk to him nor hear him directly. But believe and feel here; heart. The reason why I hear my heart more often than mind's whisper. I know God's there. Protects me, covers me, & leads me indirectly definitely.
And now..are you still wondering why i love this notes?
This is the answer :
Because this is all about praying..
if you still didn't understand my answer, keep reading and find your reasonable answers..
the question was still :
"Life Question (Wondering why i love this notes?)"
-Gerard Novak-
This notes was officially from my friend's blog..she is my junior in campus..
I can't publish her link for her privacy.. :-)
The notes was titled, "Life Question"..
So, check it out..and guess why i love this notes.. :beer:
I'm an accept-able person. I won't ask "why does my life like this?". Whereas I hardly believe God has scenario for us. So now, if God has his scenario for us, what's his benefit seeing us come through his scenario patiently, sadly, happily? Is he merely wanna see our faith?? Idts.... - set aside this one.
In real life, we create our own life. Make a decision, find the opportunity, through what we've had choose, and achieve our goal as the result. And when we've achieved our goal, what to return? People born, grow old, and die. It's life's cycle. Still.......what's the point of those cycle? Where at the end God will shatter it when the time comes up.
Well... I am young. I'm just an ordinary teen. Beside what I've thought before, generally people say "Allah menciptakan kita agar kita menyembah-Nya, beriman kepada-Nya ". Just it? Be worshiped? I think he isn't kind of the devil on the movie who'll get his power stronger when he is being worshiped. Or kind of an arrogant king who'd like to exploit his citizen. He is great without us. Fine without us. He doesn't need us at all, does he? Otherwise, all I see is mostly people make a chaos..or worse..?
Don't you ever wonder is that your really role why you were born? I do. Even much. Knowing what your real role, your goal, will make a best result, won't it? I'm an optimal person. I'd like to see what I've done, done maximally. I've committed to live my life. And I won't to live it carelessly. Won't to waste a chance which I have and do believe I have a thing to do here cause I'm strongly hold this word: "behind what happened, there's a why". So still........why did God?? I meant, if I knew why did God do this, I could make it maximally. If God wants me to make a world peace, well I'm gonna make my next way to the things that related to world peace. Or if God wants me just to birth a baby, well I'm gonna marry a man really soon. Or if God wants me to worship him, really I will do it with nonstop.
But let'a take a conclude, God's way is not the easy way, but the best way. We can't talk to him nor hear him directly. But believe and feel here; heart. The reason why I hear my heart more often than mind's whisper. I know God's there. Protects me, covers me, & leads me indirectly definitely.
This is the answer :
Because this is all about praying..
if you still didn't understand my answer, keep reading and find your reasonable answers..
the question was still :
"Life Question (Wondering why i love this notes?)"
-Gerard Novak-
Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2011
Actually we did nothing
even i sent messages for anytime, but actually i did nothing
Actually we just believed that nothing inside of our hearts
even i tried to know you more and had a chit-chat with you, but actually it didn't works
Actually we did nothing
Nothing we did actually..
just a miserable thing actually..
*I'm speechless*
Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2011
oh God..can't you believe my stories?
it's always dark...dark and so darkness
nothing shiny here..always nothing
my heart deeply raged and confused
please God...can't you believe my stories?
at least for this time..make it lil bit of light to guide me away from this feelings..
please God..if You're there...
-Someone's pray-
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